What is The Tamura Method?

The Tamura Method (Psychoenergetic Touch) is a combination of integrated modalities by Wynn Tamura from over 40 years of work. Through the Tamura Method, the goal is to gain insight on how to identify your own inner wounded child, learn to bring the adult part of ourselves online and present, and integrates touch to heal what the wounding is and provide a healthy missing experience. Touch can be an important aspect, as it connects directly to the child in a deep, energetic felt sense, that a child is more receptive to.


Step 1: Identify Your Wounded Child

How many times have you felt frustrated with yourself, or even powerless to change things about yourself or your life you are unhappy with? If you are reading this today, then you have been on the path that we all have. We were born, we had a childhood, and grew up into the person you are today. The lessons we learned during those formative years (some of them, painfully) help shape us into who we are today. When we continue to have repetitive triggers, negative cycles with ourselves or relationships, or struggle with body issues that a medical professional cannot help with (ex. fatigue, unexplained weight gain or loss, chronic body tension or misalignment, etc.), this is a clear sign that our wounded child is in the driver seat, and “driving” many of our feelings and actions. They have a plan and a story and will try to control the situation the best way they know possible through decisions, reactions, or sometimes even involuntary body reactions.

Step 2: Disintegration, Reintegration, and Internal Reparenting

Once you have identified your wounded child and their behaviors, we now have some options of how to take care of ourselves differently and creating internal trust and safety. When the child is activated, it’s as though they have jumped behind the wheel of the car and are driving our feelings and decisions. The issue with this, is that children don’t know how to drive, and so they will continue to crash the car time and time again. This is where we need to be able to identify the child, and help get our “adult brain” driving, with our child safely in the car seat in the back.

By separating these two parts and then reintegrating them in a new dynamic, we can begin healing. It allows the child to step forward and heal with a new experience. This is supportive with emotionally processing the old wound, and connecting through supportive touch to work directly where the child lives (in the body) to integrate a new experience. This is the process where I teach you how to be your own mechanic, and help you create a new felt sense of self love and safety.

Step 3: Growth, Thrive, and Celebrate Life

As the healing process happens, you get the experience the fruits of being alive. Much of psychotherapy can be focused on simply managing symptoms as they arise. For those that are able to allow themselves to be vulnerable to this process, often times get to experience a life where they feel stronger, clearer, and freer. Their healthy adult self is online, which can allow for setting clearer boundaries, better self care, and improved connection to loved ones. Their inner wounded child starts to develop into a happy and healthy child that gravitates towards decisions that feel nourishing and supportive, and a sense of play, curiosity, and freedom. You get to taste the fruits of your hard work, and experience the joys of being alive.

The Tamura Method is not a requirement of conducting Psychotherapy together. Teri “Sachi” Swanberg may offer the incorporate non-sexual touch as part of psychotherapy. Sexual touch of clients by therapists is unethical and illegal. She will ask your permission before touching you, and you have the right to decline or refuse to be touched without any fear or concern about reprisal. Touch can be very beneficial but can also unexpectedly evoke emotions, thoughts, physical reactions or memories that may be upsetting, depressing, evoke anger, etc. Sharing and processing such feelings with the therapist, if they arise, may be a helpful part of therapy. You may request not to be touched at any time during therapy without needing to explain it, if you choose not to, and without fear of punishment. All touch will be fully clothed.